By collaborating with a network of trusted associates, Dawa Consulting ensures large commissions can be managed and additional services, including institutional fundraising and grant management, can be offered. Associates include:
Rachel Haynes is the Lead Consultant for Flamingo and specialises in supporting international NGOs for development with funding, learning, and management matters. Rachel has been involved in international development since 1994, including senior management roles, and, as a consultant, has worked with over 40 NGOs since 2012, collaborating with Emma on many occasions. Rachel’s particular specialism is institutional funding, and she offers coaching and training, donor research, as well as helping to develop funding proposals and tenders. A strong believer in collaboration within the development sector, she works as a trainer for Bond, and is a Trustee of SWIDN (South West International Development Network).
Mike Brewin has 26 years of practical experience in the evaluation of humanitarian and development operations, including large (>£1bn) multi-sectoral and multi-actor programmes. For the last 16 years, Mike’s sole focus has been evaluating humanitarian response, food security, resilience, agriculture, rural livelihoods, cash / food for work, social protection, and humanitarian programmes operating through a range of different modalities, including cash and in-kind transfers, technology and skills transfer, and institution building. Mike has worked with a range of donors, including DFID, DG ECHO, World Bank, UNDP, WFP, IFAD, FAO, SADC, UNICEF and numerous NGOs.
Michele Angeletti has spent two decades managing NGO operations at global, regional and country level with technical expertise in disability and inclusive development programming as well as strengthening health systems across Anglophone, Francophone and Lusophone countries in Africa. Working with a broad range of partners, from Ministries to INGOs and NGOs, managing complex funding streams and working across 17 African countries, Michele has a strong network of contacts across sub-Saharan Africa from government officials to development and academic professionals.